Oh look, it's Friday and I've fallen prey to yet another Ask Away Friday. If you don't know the deal, I am asked 10 questions by a fellow blogger, I answer the questions and then you read the questions and answers, hopefully enjoying it.
In return I ask 10 questions to the said blogger who asked me my questions, they answer them and you read those. Get it? Got it? Good. Let's get on with this.
This week is a special Ask Away Friday because the person I am swapping questions with is a friend from high school. Let me paint a picture for you about my high school experience. Remember those cliques? The jocks, the popular girls, the geeks, and the misfits? I didn't fit into any of those cliques, I was unique and was able to get along with 99% of the kids in my high school class. Of course there was that 1% (like 3 kids) who I just couldn't get along with...if you went to school with me and you are reading this, you probably aren't the 1%...congrats.
Sorry I got sidetracked, I was supposed to tell you about my AAF buddy this week. Jodi from The Noise of Boys is my friend from high school. She's pretty cool and you should go and check out her blog (watch out, she's a sell out...just joking, it's an inside joke). It's funny when we both agreed to do Ask Away Friday a couple of weeks ago, she told me to try to keep it PG because of her audience.
Hmmmmm, PG? Well I guess I can do that but it got me thinking, she wasn't PG in high school...but that's a story for a different day. I agree to your terms Jodi and I will keep it...as PG as I can.
1. I know you are looking at switching over to WordPress in the future, what prompts this change and what interests you most about the blogosphere?
Man, word travels fast..., oh wait, I asked you your opinion on WordPress. Well, now that Blogger knows I am shopping around I'm getting banned...oh, that's not how it works? OK. I want to have more control over my blog, not that Blogger hasn't been good to me, I just want my own, to own, to rule the world (I almost dropped the f-bomb there). Ah the blogosphere, what a weird and wondrous place. The thing that interests me the most about the 'sphere (as us cool kids call it) is the diversity of the blogs and the ability to write about whatever you want.
2. Tell me about the blogs you love to follow and why you do?
I have a confession...I'm a bad, bad blog follower. I follow blogs but don't make time to read them. Don't get me wrong I like reading, I just find it hard to find a period of time to read them. Husband, Dad, Cubmaster, remember? But IF I had to choose some blogs to pimp, they would have to be:
A Beer for the Shower
Funny Odd Thing, Life...
The Incoherent Ramblings of a Moose
And of course, The Noise of Boys
3. What is the most valuable lesson your sons (Minions) may have learned from you?
Wow..a serious question, damn it I despise those. I would have to say I hope they have learned to be who they are and be good people.
4. Are you a truth or dare kind of person (my bet is BOTH)? Either share a photo of a daring moment or tell us a truth!
I have been known to be daring (or stupid) and I do get truthful (when I drink), but here is my most daring moment...
5. I would love to hear from the Trophy and am SO impressed you read 50 Shades. Does she regularly read your blog?
I have been trying to get her to do a guest post on the blog, maybe if she reads this she will comply. The Trophy does in fact read my blog and I have caught her laughing at it as well, I'm going to chalk it up to liking it. I actually haven't finished reading 50 Shades of Yuck, I think I made it to chapter 8. It's on my list of things to finish up, people seem to like my reviews of the book...despite how terrible it is.
6. I know you sometimes feel trapped in the "Mommy" blog world. I feel it is a pretty diverse and eclectic community, Dad blogs and networks are on the rise, have you found any resources to help guide you?
I am a Dad trapped in a Mommy Blog world. Even the other Dad blogs are more Mommy than they should be. Dads should be funny, goofy and always joking around. I'm not saying that the Dad blogs are bad, just need to throw some actual guy stuff in there. The best resource I ever found was a challenge I entered called Dude Write. It's gone now, but I cleaned up in the awards sections....and learned a lot from the other Dudes.
7. Famous person (dead or living) that if you had one full day to hang out with, who would it be?
Man, I always have loved this question. I get asked this all the time and I only have two answers, one for living and one for dead. For living I would love to hang out with none other than the man, myth and legend, George Lucas. I want to get inside his brain and find out where he came up with the greatness which is Star Wars. For the dead person, Lord Baden Powell, the founder of Scouting. BP, as we call him in Scouts, created an organization and movement that has literally shaped my life.
8. You have unexpectedly won $1,000, what are you doing with it? Where are you going, what are you wearing? Please share!
$1,000? Strip club, gimme all singles! Oops, sorry it was supposed to be PG. Actually, if I won $1,000 I would take the family on nice simple vacation, probably somewhere in the mountains where there is no phone service. Just chill, enjoy nature and...what's that word I'm looking for? Oh, yeah...relax.
9. Coffee, beer, liquor, hybrid drinks? How do you most enjoy your favorite beverage?
First, what is a hybrid drink? Like combining coffee, beer and liquor? Ugh, I think I just puked a little in my mouth. I enjoy coffee in the morning and occasionally a beer or 4 but if I had to choose a favorite beverage it would be a nice tall glass of ice cold Diet Pepsi. There is nothing better than taking that first sip of Diet Pepsi. The only thing I won't drink is anything minty, like peppermint schnapps. I have a Permafrost incident when I was younger...or at least my friends tell me I did.
10. I am a Netflix/AMC fan, do you binge watch anything or is there a show you really hate to secretly love?
We actually don't have cable. I know, crazy, but I'm saving like a million dollars a year by not having cable. Instead we do Hulu and Amazon Prime. As for binge watching, I have found myself binge watching How I Met Your Mother just recently, I never watched it when it was on the air and now it's hilarious! There is one show that I hate to secretly love....but that is a secret.
And so you have it, my questions have been answered in a PG manner and without fucking swearing! I'm so proud of myself!