Monday, March 31, 2014

A Kick In The Ass

Hi!  Remember me?  I wouldn't blame you if you totally forgot about me, I haven't been around much, like at all.  I feel like that weird cousin who only comes around when they need something or someone dies...just I don't think I'm as creepy.  I know I've made empty promises about coming back and blogging and for that, I apologize.

I've been on my book signing tour....yeah I wish.  Actually I do have a book idea on the back burner but that's a story for another day.  Truth is, I just haven't been motivated to write, it's not that the topics weren't there or I had writer's block, the wind was taken out of my sails last year and I was scared to blog regularly (for reasons I don't want to get into).

Well, I decided to kick myself in the ass and so did the Trophy (remember her?) so I signed myself up for the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge again and those of you who have read my blog in the past (huge thanks by the way!!) will know if I commit to something I will give it my all.  So, starting tomorrow April 1 and no this isn't an April Fools joke, I am going to be blogging each day of the month of April, with Sundays off...even God had a day of rest.  Confused?  Me here is a calendar to show you...

Also part of my obligation is to read more blogs so I will.  Period.  I really do enjoy reading other's blogs and seeing what they have to say.  Oh one more thing...

I will have a theme that I will be following...which will be revealed in tomorrow's A post!

Thanks for coming back and thanks for spreading the word.


  1. Welcome back! See you tomorrow for your theme reveal!

    1. Thank Andrea! I'm looking forward to blogging again.

  2. Looking forward to your post then!

  3. Welcome to the challenge! I'm an AZtech minion and will be stopping by during the next few weeks. Looking forward to your posts.

    1. Thanks! This is my third go around with the A to Z.

  4. Obviously you must have been saving up your energy for the A to Z? It still intimidates me, but I'll be lurking about. Nice to see you back.

    1. Ah Ken, glad to see a familiar, avatar? Thanks, it's good to be back

  5. A to Z minion checking in. Hope you've found your writing motivation.

  6. Sounds like a plan to me, can't wait for the rest of the alphabet!
