Monday, October 8, 2012

Gay For Star Wars?

There are quiet a few things in the world that make me stop and say "Wait...what?"  In fact the world does not lack in the Wait...what? category.  I had two things last week that made me stop and say it.

The first one is something that I think will be really cool.  I was approached on my Facebook wall (yes, I still call it my wall and not timeline) by the ultra funny and quickly becoming famous Mod Mom Beyond IndieDom about this little project that I have seen floating in the blogosphere called Theme Thursday.  She said that they needed a Dad's point of view on the themes that come up for each Thursday and you know me, if it means building my blog, I'm all for it, I like new readers and commentators, plus it gives me a topic to go off on.  I sent an email off to Jenn at Something Clever 2.0 and mentioned I was invited by Mod Mom and that I was interested in participating in Theme Thursdays, she responded back and explained how things worked.

Theme Thursday happens each week on...Thursday, clever huh?  The participants email suggestions for the theme to each other and once a theme is chosen, we write about it for the following Thursday.  The posts are to be scheduled to go live at 0900 hours EST or 9:00 AM EST, I just like saying it the military way.  At the end of each post we pimp out the other participants to our readers.  Jenn quickly sent out an email to all of the other participants throwing me to the wolves introducing me to them and in turn I received the blog addresses for each person.Of course I took some time to check out the blogs, follow them on Twitter and Like them on Facebook and it was there and then I found myself a Dad trapped in a Mommy blog world, but this time literally.  Wait...what?  I am the only Dad doing this and I was head hunted by Mod Mom?

That's not the end of it though, as we were exchanging emails of pleasantries and introductions, the last email came in and Jenn called me " for Star Wars."  Wait...what?  What does that mean?  I mean I know what the modern meaning of gay means and I don't deny it, I am a major Star Wars geek, but what does it mean to be gay for Star Wars?

I find Leia way more attractive (especially in the slave outfit) than Han, Luke or even Lando for that matter.  I don't find the Ewoks cute and cuddly, I look at them as an intricate part of Episode VI and force to be reckoned with.  I don't let the Minions admire Jar Jar Binks, I simply explain that he played a very big role in the creation of the Empire.

I supposed if you were to use the original meaning of the word gay it would mean I am "joyful", "carefree" or "bright and showy" about Star Wars, which, in this case is true.  I do not hide the fact that Star Wars is a part of my life and that I am not just a fly by night fanboy who has only watched the movies, I have delved into the expanded universe, I have read the books, played the video games, and have even watched the Christmas special from beginning to end.  Not many people can say they have done that.  My entire Lego collection is nothing but Star Wars creations, I have a lightsaber signed by Darth Vader, not David Prowse but Darth Vader and I get excited to see that George Lucas had a hand in just about every movie made, whether it is with Skywalker Sound or Industrial Light and Magic.

I am trying to learn Mandoa (the language of the Mandalore) and three out of five tattoos I have are of Star Wars origin.  I love everything Star Wars...

What a great pick up line!

Star Wars is real, Star Trek is fiction.

Get it straight!

Sorry, we can't be seen together.

Everyone knows how it appeared in theaters!

True story....

This is me and the Trophy.

I'm not that aggressive, but he is pretty annoying.

Now begone with you.

OK, the last three...I guess Jenn was right, I am gay for Star Wars.

Oh and to get the ball rolling, go check out my counterparts in the Theme Thursday, no this isn't my post for it obviously but you can get acquainted with the ladies who hunted me down.

Aspiring to the Middle
Cloudy With a Chance of Wine
I like beer and babies.
a calibama state of mind
Shit I Don't Tell Most People
Mom With Her Running Shoes On


  1. Look at it this way - at least you're not cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Holy Alderaan, Batman - Princess Leia was smokin' in the slave girl scenes. Maybe I'm gay for Star Wars...

    1. We actually watched Jedi at a Boy Scout function years back and every kept screaming out to rewind to the golden bikini. Carrie Fisher worked her ass off getting in shape for that outfit!

  2. Bahahaha! Sometimes I forget that words and phrase that are part of MY lexicon are not necessarily part of everyone else's, and may be taken the wrong way... It started about 8 years ago, when a friend of mine needed a cat sitter for the weekend. A mutual friend told him, "You should ask Jenn; she's gay for cats." I guess "joyful" is the closest definition? I meant it as a compliment, really!

    1. Oh trust me, if I couldn't handle it I shouldn't be blogging. I know you meant it as a compliment but it opened a nice window for a blog post :-)

  3. This is probably the bestest post ever. :-D

  4. You'll probably enjoy this little rant. For context, this happens when a kid tries to buy a Jar Jar toy:

  5. Hilarious! Can't wait to read postings for the Thursday theme! Oh and BTW check Rosetta Stone to see if they offer the Mandoa language! :)

    1. I'm working on reading it first, speaking it would be more difficult.

  6. If I weren't already married to a guy that's gay for Star Wars I would ask you to be my internet husband.

    1. Maybe I read that email the wrong way and being gay for Star Wars is a benefit....

  7. I love the e cards. my hubby had a similar reaction to a star trek remark I made. I made a mental note never to make that mistake again!

  8. I love Star Wars! <3 I'm almost always the minority, being a GIRL, but it's how I won my husband's heart. Great blog. I love the ecards.

  9. I love Star Wars. I know more about it than my husband. And all my friends.
